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Rabbinic Training Program

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Young Israel Rabbinic Training

The need for confident, professional and dynamic rabbinic leadership becomes all the more crucial.  Rabbis today must possess the skills and talents to meet challenges, capitalize on opportunities and lead with wisdom and innovation. A broad range of skills and techniques, perspectives and vision are required in the contemporary American Jewish community.

The Young Israel rabbinate is ideally suited to address these needs. Young Israel rabbis are drawn from the broad spectrum of yeshivas.

The typical Young Israel synagogue provides family and community services to a broad range of congregants. It serves the needs of all members of the community with programs and services that convey the rewards of authentic Torah living within the context of contemporary American society.  National Council of Young Israel is therefore uniquely suited to enhance the competence and caliber of the young rabbis that are entering the complex and exciting field of the American Rabbinate.



Our community is blessed with many intelligent, passionate and academically-accomplished rabbinical couples who are eager to dedicate their lives and the lives of their families to serve the Jewish people in the capacity of rabbi and rebbetzin. Their formal rabbinic education often does not train them in the specific set of skills and knowledge that such a calling requires. Rabbinic students generally are not afforded the opportunity to actually practice, officiate at, or perform the primary rituals of the Jewish life cycle and the functions of the pulpit rabbi.

The Young Israel Rabbinic Training Program endeavors to harness the latent talents of aspiring rabbis and translate them from the theoretical to the practical. It provides the specific training, mentoring, networking opportunities and experiences that serious young men need to qualify for positions in the field.  It equips young rabbis with the tools to be creative and innovative, professional and competent. It enables them to turn their dreams of community service into a reality. 



The goals of the Rabbinic Training Program include:

1.       Providing specific training and reference materials for aspiring pulpit rabbis.

2.      Providing varied perspectives on contemporary issues, challenges and opportunities from seasoned therapists, active lay leaders and experienced rabbis.

3.      Establishing a continuing support and resource network of experienced and successful pulpit rabbis for all participants.

4.      Presenting opportunities for direct observation and hands-on experience in performing the basic tasks and skills of rabbinic service. 

5.      Helping rabbinical students network and find internships to gain more experience and further their professional development.

6.      Creating a resource for placement for members of the program

7.      Providing rebbetzins with an opportunity to better prepare themselves for their future role.



The Rabbinic Training Program meets on 15 evenings (usually Thursdays), from 5:00 – 10:00 p.m.  Typically, it begins the week after Sukkot and ends the week after Shavuot. Some additional on-site presentations may be required.

The program has met at Lander College for Men in Kew Gardens Hills (Queens) in recent years. It may meet there or at our offices in Paramus in 2014-5. In past years, we have held programs in Lakewood, NJ, Brooklyn, NY, and Baltimore.

We will attempt, if interested, to match the rabbinic trainees with a Young Israel rabbi who will share his rabbinic experience and offer advice and direction.

The program gives participants the opportunity for private consultation with National Council of Young Israel leadership regarding résumé writing and interviewing skills.  In addition, search committees will advise participants about areas on which to focus during the interview and job search process.

The Rabbinic Training Program is limited to a maximum of 40 participants. Each applicant will be contacted and letters of acceptance will be sent soon after the application is reviewed.

Attendance at all sessions is mandatory. A post Graduate Certificate in Advanced Rabbinic and Synagogue Administration from Touro College and National Council of Young Israel will be awarded to participants who successfully complete the Rabbinic Training Program. Absences in more than two classes will result in an inability to become certified by the program.

There is a one-time $500 non-refundable application/program fee. With your application, include a check payable to Young Israel Programs and, in the memo, indicate Rabbinic Training. The fee includes all materials and a fleishig dinner at each session. Post-dated checks are acceptable.

Topics Include;

·       “Drashot/Sermonics” – How to address a diverse audience.

·        “How to Pasken if you are not a Posek” – Methodological approaches to 

       answering shailos.

·        “Officiating at Life-Cycle Events I & II” – A review of the guidelines and

  techniques of officiating at a bris, bar/bat-mitzvah, wedding and funeral.

·        “Ensuring a Bayis Neeman B’Yisrael” –  What rabbonim should be aware of and prepared for when dealing with domestic strife and marital discord  – in conjunction with “Shalom Task Force.”

·       “Professional Development and Career Preparation”– How to make yourself a more

  desirable candidate.”

·        “Building the Rabbinic Résumé” – Practical advice for résumé preparation and the

  interview process.

·       “The Rabbi and the Gabbai:  Knowing Around the Year Minhagim and Preparing the Shul Luach”  –   Star-K Kosher Certification, Rabbi Dovid Heber                          

·        “Pesach Issues. Around the Year in the Rabbi’s Seat” –  A look at the shailos that are specific to different times of the year, with a focus on Nissan.

·        “Halacha and Infertility” – in conjunction with “A T.I.M.E. (A Torah Infertility Medium of Exchange”).

·        “Preparing ourselves for Strong Halachic Leadership” –  How to address the needs of your congregants within the framework of halacha.

·        “The Out-of-Town Rav” – Challenges that are unique for out-of town

   rabbonim, with a focus on Kashrus & Kiruv.

·        “Mikvaot, Eruvin, Safrus & Milah” –  Crucial halachot and practical guidance on

   these complex and sensitive communal institutions.

·        “The Rabbi and His Finances: Parsonage, Non-Profit Status & Tax Exemptions.”

·       “Contemporary Halachic Issues,” End-of-Life Issues, Womens’ Issues, State of Israel, etc.  

·       “Rabbinic Counseling” – An overview of common mental health issues, in conjunction with OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services.  

·       “From Shtender to Pulpit” – An introduction to real world rabbanut.

·        “Thinking Out of the Box” – Creative ways to maximize your shul’s potential


Topics for Rebbetzins Include;

·        “Rebbetzin, Wife, Mother, Professional – Balancing the Roles”

·       “Reality of the Rebbetzin:  Naches & Frustration”

·            “Rebbetzin as Mentor: Friend, Guide or Counselor?”

Tue, 7 January 2025 7 Tevet 5785