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Rabbi's Letter Archive

The Rabbi’s Letter was created as a result of conversation I had with Rabbi Aaron Tirschwell who, at the time, was NCYI’s director of synagogue services. I showed him a monthly newletter that I would receive from an organization of professional psychotherapists, and simply mused “Why can’t we have something similar for a congregational rabbi to assist him in his administrative tasks and program ideas?”

The rest is history.

We started with an in-house Rabbi’s Letter. Soon a Rebbetzin’s Letter was devised and included with the Rabbi’s Letter.  And by the time we reached number 11 the Rabbi’s Letter had to be designed by a graphic artist and printed commercially.

Financial restrictions were such that NCYI could no longer cover the costs. Number 28 was the final edition in print. Those rabbis who received the letter up until April 2006 still remember the impact it had when the publication arrived in their mailbox.

Rabbis who attended the NCYI's Rabbinic Training Seminars saw copies of The Rabbi’s Letter and expressed a desire to obtain back-issues. It is for this reason that we are posting them here.

Rabbi Chaim Wasserman, Editor
August 20, 2017

Sat, 8 March 2025 8 Adar 5785